Here is a list of definite, probable and possible souces for Sir Thomas More:
- The Union of the Two Noble and Illustre Famelies of Lancastre & Yorke by Edward Hall
- Vita et Illustre Martyrium Thomae Mori, Angliae Quondam Supremi Cancellarii by Thomas Stapleton
- The Lyfe of Syr Thomas More, Sometymes Lord Chancellor of England by Ro: Ba:
- The Lyfe of Sir Thomas Moore, knighte by William Roper
- The life and death of S' Thomas Moore, knight, sometymes Lord high Chancellor of England by Nicholas Harpsfield
- Actes and Monuments of matters most speciall and memorable by John Foxe
- The Desobedient Child by Thomas Ingelend
- Lusty Juventus by Richard Wever
- Certen brief notes apperteyning to Bushope Fisher ("The Rastell Fragments") by William Rastell